| 7th Dragon III Code: VFD | SEGA |  |
 | Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII | Activision Blizzard |  |
 | Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII | Activision Blizzard |  |
 | Chocobo & the Magic Picturebook | Square Enix |  |
 | Fantasy Strike | Sirlin |  |
 | Final Fantasy Explorers | Square Enix |  |
 | Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (RPG Special) | Nintendo |  |
 | Final Fantasy IV (Hands-On) | Square Enix |  |
 | Final Fantasy IV Advance | Nintendo |  |
 | Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn | Square Enix |  |
 | Final Fantasy XV | Square Enix |  |
 | Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae (Hands-On) | Square Enix |  |
 | Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles | Nintendo |  |
 | Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Hands On) | Nintendo |  |
 | Granblue Fantasy: Versus | Marvelous |  |
 | Rune Factory: Harvest Moon DS | Rising Star |  |
 | Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy | Square Enix |  |
 | Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers | Capcom |  |
 | World of Final Fantasy | Square Enix |  |
 | World of Final Fantasy | Square Enix |  |
 | XIII | Ubisoft |  |